Our recipe is a straightforward recommendation for potting soil.


Simple formula for potting soil

1/2 Blended or screened natural compost
1/2 Nature’s Meadow Soil Amendment

Mix equal parts of each (measured by volume, not by weight). Continue with a timely organic fertilizer depending on plant needs.

For flower & vegetable seedling transplants*

*in garden beds with healthy soil

1/3 Blended or screen natural compost
1/3 Nature’s Meadow Soil Amendment
1/3 Your own garden soil

Mix equal parts of each (measured by volume, not by weight) in a container. Make adjustments as needed. Add approximately 1 – 2 cups per plant. Continue with a timely organic fertilizer depending on plant needs.


Amending soil bed
or top dress

1:1 ratio of organic compost and Nature’s Meadow Soil Amendment

1-4 inches lightly incorporated or tilled. Increase ratio of Nature’s Meadow Soil Amendment if improving tilth is desired.

1 cubic foot = 12 square foot layered at 1 inch